drilling machine

drilling machine

Category: Turning Center / Lathe

Make: 2010

Capacity (Bed Size X-400): 100

Capacity (Bed Size Y-600): 100

Capacity (Bed Size Z-200): 100

Spindle Power(in KW): 10KW

Crane Facility: No

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  1. Rendering Calculated Values: You might use Math.floor() in a React component when you want to display a number that’s been rounded down. For example, if you’re calculating and displaying scores, prices, or other numerical data.

  2. State and Props Calculations: You could use it while setting state or passing props, especially if you are dealing with numerical values that need to be whole numbers. For instance, in a pagination component where page numbers should be integers.

  3. Event Handling: When handling events, such as mouse movements or API responses, you might use Math.floor() to convert a floating-point number to an integer.

Here's a simple example of using Math.floor() in a React component: